USD 3,00
(вкл. НДС)
AKA Opsiphanes Bogotanus Peruanus
USD 3,00
(вкл. НДС)
Undefined, although it looks like a female.
USD 2,52
(вкл. НДС)
USD 3,00
AKA Adelpha Erotia f. Erotia
USD 2,52
(вкл. НДС)
USD 3,00
AKA Adelpha Erotia Erotia f. Lerna
USD 19,80
(вкл. НДС)
USD 22,00
USD 36,00
(вкл. НДС)
USD 40,00
Male & Female
USD 540,00
(вкл. НДС)
USD 600,00
Extremely difficult to find, but so beautiful.
USD 36,00
(вкл. НДС)
USD 40,00
Male & Female
USD 5,00
(вкл. НДС)
A.K.A Heraclides lycophron phanias
USD 5,00
(вкл. НДС)
Note that methona species are devoid of white marginal spots on the wing recto side, these being present on the verso surface only.