BizarreSoldes Ajouter au panier Aimer Pereute Charops Peruviana (F) USD 8,00 TTC Female Ajouter au panier Aimer
BizarreSoldes Ajouter au panier Aimer Ancyluris Inca Cacica (F) USD 80,00 TTC Female Ajouter au panier Aimer
Soldes Afficher plus Aimer Eurochroma Gigantea (M, A1) USD 8,00 TTC The giant metallic wood beetle Afficher plus Aimer
Afficher plus Aimer Caligo Superbus (M, A1) USD 8,00 TTC Wonderful owl buttherfly Caligo Superbus Afficher plus Aimer
Afficher plus Aimer Catoblepia Xanthicles Orientalis (M, A1-) USD 10,00 TTC Difficult to collect this butterfly, but we have it. Afficher plus Aimer
Afficher plus Aimer Eryphanis Polyxena (M) USD 10,00 TTC Beautiful blue butterfly Afficher plus Aimer
Afficher plus Aimer Opsiphanes Tamarindi (F, A1) USD 4,00 TTC We have just a female, you will receive the folded spp. displayed. First photo is a reference one. Afficher plus Aimer
Afficher plus Aimer Caligo Prometheus (M, A1) USD 8,00 TTC Beautiful Caligo with yellow and blue colors Afficher plus Aimer
Afficher plus Aimer Caligo Oberthuri (M, A1) USD 16,00 TTC Caligo Oberthuri, male A1 was collected from high altitude forest. Afficher plus Aimer