About Us

We are peruvians passioned for the nature and wildlife. Peru have an enormous wildlife diversity so as Peruvians we need to care of them not only following the CITES statements but the Peruvian protected specimens too, Peruvian laws that are most of them unknown by the global enthomology society.
Non-peruvian e-shops from Autralia, Canada, Honk- Kong, USA that are far away and unknown our Peruvian wildlife protection laws allowing the illegal worldwide trade. But we do and we have the responsability to do something about it, this is why we need to inform it to you.
In this way, we decided to establish a very serious, legal and confident Peruvian e-shop that make posible to international collectors, museums, designers or any interested person to buy us directly and confidently avoiding unnecessary intermediaries, saving money and preserving our wildlife.
Our facility have the warehouse Peruvian Government permission and we are qualified to process the transport documents necessary to transport the specimens from our warehouse to your Country. All our investment and effort to stablish our e-store, to get Peruvian Government Permissions, allowing offer you a very safety and secure adquisition because our specimens have not risks to be held by Peruvian customs authorities.