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Caligo Prometheus (M, A1)

Beautiful Caligo with yellow and blue colors

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USD 5,00 (вкл. НДС)
Quality chart
Insect's quality chart
A1 As perfect as you could reasonable expect from wild caught. A very good specimen
A1- Almost perfect. A very minor flaw or so. Some times only antenna damage. This specimen could exceeds your expectations
A- A very decent specimen. Flaws scubas antenna damages, slight flight wear such as small scratches or slight fraying/chipping/bite around the edges of the wings
A2 Very good second quality. Antenna or leg missing and significant damages such as major flight wear or staining, small rips, small pieces missing from the wings, damage to the thorax or abdomen. 
A2- Definitely second quality. Appropriate for reference purposes only.
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The yellowish forewings show a dark margin along the outer wing margin. The dark brown hindwings sometimes have a slightly fainter or brighter blue reflection at the base.

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